ARCHER-AX9 AX 800 Tri-Band 4 Mbps 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi 6 Rou erWIRELESS
S andards: IEEE 802.11ax 6 GHz,
IEEE 802.11ax/ac/n/a GHz,
IEEE 802.11ax/n/b/g 2.4 GHz
WiFi Speeds : AXE 800
6 GHz: 2402 Mbps (802.11ax)
GHz: 4802 Mbps (802.11ax)
2.4 GHz: 4 Mbps (802.11ax)
WiFi Range : 4 Bedroom Houses
8× Fixed High-Performance An ennas
Mul iple an ennas form a signal-boos ing array o cover more direc ions
and large areas
Concen ra es wireless signal s reng h owards clien s o expand WiFi
High-Power FEM
Improves ransmission power o s reng hen signal coverage
Mul iple s reams in he same band s reng hen he faul olerance in
WiFi Capaci y : Very High
Alloca e devices o differen bands for op imal performance
Simul aneously communica es wi h mul iple MU-MIMO clien s
Simul aneously communica es wi h mul iple clien s
Air ime Fairness
Improves ne work efficiency by limi ing excessive occupa ion
Access an ex ra band o reduce conges ion
8 S reams
Connec your devices o more bandwid h
Working Modes : Rou er Mode
Access Poin Mode
Processor : 1. GHz Quad-Core CPU
E herne Por s : 1× 2. Gbps WAN/LAN Por
1× 1 Gbps WAN/LAN Por
3× 1 Gbps LAN Por s
USB Suppor : 1× USB 3.0 Por
1× USB 2.0 Por
Suppor ed Par i ion Forma s:
Suppor ed Func ions:
Apple Time Machine
FTP Server
Media Server
Samba Server
Bu ons : Power On/Off Bu on
Rese Bu on
Power : 12 V ? 3.3 A
WiFi Encryp ion : WPA,
WPA/WPA2-En erprise (802.1x)
Ne work Securi y : SPI Firewall
Access Con rol
IP & MAC Binding
Applica ion Layer Ga eway
HomeShield Securi y
Real-Time IoT Pro ec ion
Malicious Si e Blocker
In rusion Preven ion Sys em
DDoS A ack Preven ion
Home Ne work Scanner
Gues Ne work : 1× 6 GHz Gues Ne work,
1× GHz Gues Ne work,
1× 2.4 GHz Gues Ne work
VPN Server : OpenVPN Server
L2TP VPN Server
VPN Clien : Open VPN Clien
L2TP VPN Clien
Pro ocols : IPv4
Service Ki s : HomeShield
Learn More>
OneMesh™ : OneMesh™ Suppor ed
Wi hou replacing your exis ing devices or buying a whole new WiFi
ecosys em, OneMesh™ helps you crea e a more flexible ne work ha covers
your en ire home wi h TP-Link OneMesh™ produc s.
Learn More>
All OneMesh Produc s>
Paren al Con rols : HomeShield Paren al Con rols
Cus om Profiles
Professional Con en Fil er Library
Family Time
Bed ime
Off Time
Time Rewards
Family Online Time Ranking
Pause he In erne
Weekly and Mon hly Repor s
WAN Types : Dynamic IP
S a ic IP
Quali y of Service : QoS by Device
Cloud Service : Au o Firmware Upgrade
TP-Link ID
NAT Forwarding : Por Forwarding
Por Triggering
Vir ual Server
IGMP Snooping
DHCP : Address Reserva ion
DHCP Clien Lis
DDNS : TP-Link
Managemen : Te her App
Sys em Requiremen s : In erne Explorer 11+, Firefox 12.0+, Chrome 20.0
+, Safari 4.0+, or o her JavaScrip -enabled
Cable or DSL Modem (if needed)
Subscrip ion wi h an in erne service provider (for in erne access)
Cer ifica ions : FCC, RoHS
Environmen : Opera ing Tempera ure: 0?~40? (32? ~104?)
Opera ing Humidi y: 10%~90% non-condensing
WiFi Transmission Power : FCC: ?29dBm (2.4 GHz), ?28dBm ( GHz), ?22dBm
(6 GHz)
CE: ?1 dBm (2.4 GHz), ?2 dBm ( GHz), ?20dBm (6 GHz)
WiFi Recep ion Sensi ivi y : 2.4 GHz:
11ax HE20 MCS0:-9 dBm, 11ax HE20 MCS11:-64dBm
11ax HE40 MCS0:-92dBm, 11ax HE40 MCS11:-62dBm
11ax HE20 MCS0:-94dBm, 11ax HE20 MCS11:-63dBm
11ax HE40 MCS0:-91dBm, 11ax HE40 MCS11:-60dBm
11ax HE80 MCS0:-88dBm, 11ax HE80 MCS11:- dBm
11ax HE160 MCS0:-8 dBm, 11ax HE160 MCS11:- 4dBm
6 GHz:
11ax HE20 MCS0:-93dBm, 11ax HE20 MCS11:-62dBm
11ax HE40 MCS0:-90dBm, 11ax HE40 MCS11:- 9dBm
11ax HE80 MCS0:-8 dBm, 11ax HE80 MCS11:- 6dBm
11ax HE160 MCS0:-84dBm, 11ax HE160 MCS11:- 3dBm
Dimensions (W×D×H) : 12.2 × 8.1 × 6.8 in
(311 × 20 × 1 4 mm)
Package Con en s : Wi-Fi Rou er Archer AXE9
Power Adap er
RJ4 E herne Cable
Quick Ins alla ion Guide
AXE 800 Tri-Band WiFi – 800 Mbps ri-band WiFi for ul ra-fas browsing,
8K s reaming, online gaming, and large file downloading, all a he same
WiFi 6E Unleashed – The brand new 6 GHz band brings more bandwid h,
fas er speeds, and near-zero la ency.
Ul ra Connec ivi y – 1× 2. Gbps WAN/LAN por + 1× 1 Gbps WAN/LAN por +
3× Gigabi LAN por s and wo USB por s ensure max flexibili y and
boos ed hroughpu .
Cu ing-Edge Processing – Armed wi h a 1. GHz Quad-Core CPU.
HomeShield – Cus omize your home ne work wi h enhanced securi y and
con rol.*
OneMesh™ – Crea es a Mesh ne work by connec ing o a TP-Link OneMesh
Ex ender for seamless whole-home coverage.
Compa ible wi h Alexa – Con rol your rou er via voice commands and make
your life smar er and easier wi h Amazon Alexa.
Ex ensive Coverage – 8× an ennas and Beamforming ensure broad coverage.
More Ven s, Less Hea – Improved ven s area unleashes he full power of
he whole machine.
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< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;">ROUTER d>
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< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">S andar d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;">IEEE 802.11A,IEEE 802.11AC,IEEE 802.11AX,IEEE 802.11B,IEEE 802.11G,IEEE 802.11N d>
r> < r s yle="border-bo om: 1px solid #d d d ;background-color: #ffffff;">
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">Da a Transfer Hızı d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;"> 4,0 d>
r> < r s yle="border-bo om: 1px solid #d d d ;background-color: #ffffff;">
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">Radyo Frekansı d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;">2.4 GHZ, GHZ,6 GHZ d>
r> < r s yle="border-bo om: 1px solid #d d d ;background-color: #ffffff;">
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">Güvenlik d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;">WPA,WPA/WPA2,WPA2,WPA3 d>
r> < r s yle="border-bo om: 1px solid #d d d ;background-color: #ffffff;">
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">LAN Por Sayısı d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;"> ,0 d>
r> < r s yle="border-bo om: 1px solid #d d d ;background-color: #ffffff;">
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">An en Sayisi d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;">8 d>
r> < r s yle="border-bo om: 1px solid #d d d ;background-color: #ffffff;">
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;wid h:166px;fon -weigh : bold;">Sa ış Garan i Süresi (ay) d>
< d s yle="color: # a a a;border: 1px solid #cacaca;padding: 3px 13px;">24 d>
r> able>
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